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Browse our range of ceramic classes led by experienced instructors. Whether you're new to ceramics or a seasoned artist, our workshops offer something for everyone. Explore different class categories to find the perfect fit for your interests.

Handbuilding Ceramics for Fun!

Discover the joy of handbuilding ceramics! This class is designed to make ceramics accessible and fun for everyone, whether you're a first-timer or simply looking for a delightful and relaxing creative outlet.

Exploring Hand building Techniques

Join our expert-led class to explore the art of handbuilding in ceramics. Learn to create unique pottery pieces using traditional techniques and unleash your creativity in a supportive environment.

Glazing & Surface Decoration

Add color and texture to your ceramics through glazing and surface decoration. Explore techniques to apply different finishes, patterns, and colors to your pottery, making your pieces truly distinct.

Ceramic Painting and Illustration

In this class, you'll be utilizing various painting and illustration methods. From designing intricate patterns to creating vibrant illustrations on ceramic surfaces, you'll delve into the intricacies of brushwork, color blending, and detailing.

Beginner Sculptural Ceramic Class

This course is designed for those taking their first steps in sculpting with clay. Unleash your creativity as you explore the basics of working with ceramics to craft three-dimensional pieces.

Advanced Sculptural Ceramic Class

This course is tailored for artists with prior experience in working with clay and sculpting. Dive deeper into the world of 3D ceramic art as you experiment with various advanced techniques to create intricate and complex sculptures.

Ceramics for Kids 4-7 years

This unique class is designed to be an engaging, collaborative experience for both children and their guardians, fostering creativity and bonding through art.

Engaging with Ceramics 7-17 years

In this multi-age ceramics exploration, participants will discover the fundamentals of working with clay, from basic hand-building techniques to more advanced methods, adjusted to suit each age group's skill level and developmental stage.

Team Building Workshops

Participate in collaborative projects and creative challenges that strengthen communication and cooperation within your group.

Masterclasses & Guest Instructors

Elevate your skills with expert guidance. Masterclasses feature renowned ceramic artists who share specialized knowledge in short-term workshops on diverse topics.

Mastering Wheel Throwing Techniques

Delve into the mesmerizing world of wheel throwing at your convenience. our instructors are here to guide you in perfecting your pottery skills on the wheel, offering personalized sessions tailored to your needs.

Atelier Libre

Experience artistic freedom in our ceramic studio with atelier libre. Rent studio time and have access to all the tools and resources you need to bring your ceramic projects to life at your own pace!


We also offer memberships for independent artists which includes access to all studio equipment, glazes, firing, and recycled clay.
Feel free to contact us and come visit the studio in person.

fabrica membership

$ 350

Per Month
  • All-time access during business hours *subject to booking your spot
  • Studio glazes; brushing and dipping
  • Communal workspace
  • Access to our equipment; wedging table, wheels, recycling clay area, kiln, slab roller, etc.
  • Basic studio tools like bats, hand tools, sponges, buckets etc.
  • Priority booking for classes
  • Access to all classes at a 20% reduced rate
  • Free supply home delivery of any of our products